What's Good with Us?

Team work makes the dream work

and our squad-structure is untraditional yet simultaneously, you've never met a group so passionate, skillful, and inventive. Our diversity is what truly allows us to offer a multitude of offerings, and to do them well.

Our team has always held community close to our hearts, which is a huge reason why creating content is so meaningful to us. We love being able to connect with businesses, learn about their stories, engage with their offerings, & find beautiful ways to showcase it all.

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team work makes the dream work

Our team has always held community close to our hearts, which is a huge reason why getting to create content together is so meaningful to us. We love being able to connect with businesses, learn about their stories, engage with their offerings, & find beautiful ways to showcase it all.

Our squad-structure is untraditional yet you've never met a group so passionate, skillful, and inventive. While we are a community here at What's Good, many of us also have our own small businesses, families or other passion projects that we get to watch grow + blossom.


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what's good? Our Team

sam redmond

lead photogrpher & creative thinker

I have been professionally shooting for over a decade. I started off photographing animals at a shelter in order to help increase adoption rates... Ever since, I have loved being able to use photography to capture various industries, to document diverse brands, and to use this form of visual communication to story-tell in such a way that results in real, impactful changes.

My background in Sociology and humanization has been an outlet for my ever-searching curiosity & my trusty camera continues to be the tool that helps me portray so many beautiful findings.


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What's good? this team

Mathilde Claude

photographer & social media manager

I have been a photographer for over 5 years now! I transitioned into becoming a marketing and social media manager + consultant in order to help clients get the most use out of their visual communication tactics. I adore building relationships with businesses, getting creative, and watching them grow!

When I’m shooting, it’s one of the only times where I feel in a flow state ~ just completely mindful. Pairing photography with supporting businesses is the perfect combination of purpose and passion for me!

sydney, australia

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Donna Tran

graphic designer // illume studios

I bring over a decade of graphic design experience to the team! In recent years, I have begun to content create as well, which has been such a fun way to get to see our branding work out in the world as well. I am passionate about helping businesses create and hone-in on their branding that embodies their core purpose and allows their personality to flourish. 

I adore being able to help clients bring a vision to life that they've had stuck in their head... it is my soul work to support you in bringing your brand to life in beautiful ways.

victoria, british columbia

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Katherine Olmstead

international master florist //
under the rose

I am Canada's first International Master Florist with a background in floral design, conservation + herbalism, and marketing. I love being able to use my skill to support businesses's in various areas of growth, be that creating a styled shoot, collaborating on a brand photoshoot, or consultations. 

I am excited to continue to support businesses with my technique, as well as offer more industry-focused workshops and education. It brings me great joy to get to use my floral techniques to teach, collaborate, and create for some many incredible brands. 

victoria, british columbmia

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Mataya foster

photographer & communications //
mataya rae photography

I am primarily a wedding & engagement photographer because I am a sucker for a good love story! I am very detail oriented which has helped me to develop my own style in shooting and story-telling. I am always after the best way to visually communicate the feelings that arise during an authentic photoshoot. 

Love stories exist everywhere and it has been so much fun to support What's Good in finding and capturing the relationships that exist between businesses, people and products, and the more untraditional love stories that take you by surprise in the best of ways.

bozeman, montana

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jennifer taylor

graphic designer

I bring my background of graphic design to the table in order to help businesses create authentic, branded content that helps them grow! I love meeting new people and finding ways to use my design skill to communicate why their unique offerings are so special.

Design has always been a way for me to find beautiful things and balance in a chaotic world. Graphic design has been a great digital mirror for one of my more hands-on passions: interior design. I adore how with design, even adding one small thing can help transform something in a unique landscape that truly reflects a personal feeling, vibe, or story.

victoria, british columbia

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kat metz

content creator & strategic planning //
girl with the duck taped shoes

I am an artist with a background in business and sociology. Getting to support U R What's Good has been a way for me to continue to learn from the world while getting to apply my creative thinking and business brain to support other entrepreneurs. Plus, I love getting to help artfully create content that communicates an important message. 

Communication is a two-way street and being able support others in finding ways to communicate their powerful messages and important stories is something that I find deep value in. Art is a practice and an integral part of who I am. 

victoria, british columbia

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Available for hire in the pacific northwest, Montana, Australia & beyond.